Friday, September 24, 2010

The Wind

Being led by the Spirit of God can mean that what we say and where we go doesn’t always make sense to others around us or even ourselves. Being obedient to God might cause us to be in odd places or situations. One caveat I should mention is that if you think God’s asking you to do something that goes against His word in the Bible then it’s not God’s Spirit asking you to do it. Obeying God, however, may seem strange at the time or take us out of our comfort zone. It might even require a thing called faith. But, after being obedient to the Holy Spirit’s calling and looking back, what was asked of us usually makes complete sense and it is obvious that God’s hand was in the whole thing.

In John 3:8 The Bible says “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Let’s not fear being different and let’s exercise faith this month. Listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to interrupt our busy daily agenda. Post a comment of the great things God did when you where open to His requests this month.