Monday, June 28, 2010


When you hear sirens during your day do you stop and pray for the people in need? If you’re driving a car you’ll pull over and let the ambulance go by. If you’re in the ambulance you’re most likely thankful for the help of the EMTs. These events interrupt our busy agenda and with justification. What about situations in life when God is sounding sirens to get your attention? How do we react? Can we even hear God’s calling? Are we to busy with our own agenda to do what God wants us to do? Most of the time it seems like God whispers but sometimes He raises his voice like an ambulance siren. Let’s practice listening to God for the next 30 days no matter how many decibels He uses.

Ps. 26:2 Test me, O Lord, and try me. Examine my heart and my mind. Pray this verse as a prayer this month and then listen. See what God does with your faith and openness. Share your experience with others in the comments below.